The small interior is plain and clapboarded, with pointed vaults, and smells of lustrous old wood; it can be rented for weddings and other events.
The stock and fore-end were of some lustrous wood with a swirling grain, and the metalwork was scrolled and inlaid with hunting scenes in gold and platinum.
A thousand pounds of baize and dark, lustrous wood if it weren't twice that heavy!
In the center console, the navigation and audio controls reside behind one-touch panels of lustrous wood.
The throne itself was elevated and elaborately carved out of some lustrous wood.
Nothing must be visible which is not made of polished brass, fine wool, or lustrous wood, or silk or cotton lace.
"Do not let the lustrous wood of Benlo's flesh be broken for kindling," said the priest, mopping his brow unconsciously with a fold of his robe.
Small tables of lustrous wood stationed at intervals along the halls held vases with bouquets of fresh flowers that lent a light fragrance to the rooms.
This was a standard combination, but here it yields a pattern that is less lustrous wood than brash woolen suit (you could imagine it on a Red Grooms gangster).
Snowshoes festoon the restroom door, photos of the Far North adorn the walls, and every possible surface is paneled with lustrous wood.