There are quiet days in the battle against summer's fires in the Midi, as this lush hot region of southern France is known.
Dak To is in a lush region of forest covered mountains and deep valleys, with cool and refreshing streams in abundance.
It is hard to explain the difference in the greenness and vegetation between the lush mountains and the even lusher tropical region.
The city of Nawabshah is set in a lush agricultural region.
However, they remained confined to central Asia, which at the time was part of a large, lush lowland region.
North of the Mithil lay a lush region untouched by stress or wrong.
IT'S not particularly easy to get to Portland parish, a lush, often rainy region on Jamaica's northeast coast.
The Muong Thanh Valley lies in a hilly, lush region.
Now the road was descending into a valley, a lush region that should have held farms.
Egypt went from being a lush region to a drier climate.