By contrast, Usher - another R & B star with a new album to promote - is shamelessly milking a less spectacular but more lurid scandal for all it's worth.
After years of silence or ambiguity when the subject of his child pornography charges were raised, the "I Believe I Can Fly" singer said he would discuss the lurid scandal in a forthcoming memoir.
But a lurid scandal and a series of manslaughter trials forced Arbuckle into retirement, despite his ultimate acquittal.
Any documentary about campaign finance holds the promise of lurid scandal amid Stygian gloom.
The lurid scandal tarnished the reputation of a football program that once prided itself on the slogan "Success with Honor."
This satirical swipe at Beltway types and the vanities that motivate them takes the shape of a fictional memoir by an insufferable columnist and TV personality who blackmails his way to power before crashing in a lurid scandal.
But Ms. Trevi's comeback from one of the most lurid scandals in pop history is being built on more than just the Evita syndrome and sensationalism.
Indeed, the spread appeared almost decorous compared to the lurid and tacky scandals Taiwan has weathered in recent months.
But enemies of King Louis XVI seized on the lurid scandal to undermine the monarchy.
For Filipinos who thought they had heard it all during the lurid scandal involving Mr. Estrada, it was a fresh bombshell.