The taped statements, played earlier at the trial, also contained lurid descriptions of the impact of the bullets.
Coverage included not only some of the more lurid descriptions of the crime, but also life-style details of both Lonergans.
No matter how lurid its descriptions of high school depravity, the book expresses genuine worry about adolescence.
Even his lurid descriptions of the danger of a further rock-fall could not dissuade her.
No doubt Sophie was hoping for a lurid description.
He was listening with eagerness and much humility to the lurid descriptions of a bearded sergeant.
And miss out on the lurid description of your encounter with the girl?
Anyway, two days later I began to see lurid descriptions of a "foul sorcerer" nailed to almost every tree I passed.
You wanted a lurid description of my dreadful retribution on the body of the Serpent Queen.