And what of those schools that charge some students full tuition and give out merit scholarships to lure others?
And business improvement districts - private organizations made up of businesses in a particular neighborhood - use the counts to lure others to their districts.
Wouldn't he be luring others onto the same precipice that he tumbled from?
Resorts in the area are hoping to lure these viewers and others with special offers.
That quality could turn out to be priceless, if it lured others of goodwill to come to her aid.
Other youths said he obtained liquor to impress them and tried to lure others into feats of daring.
He dreams up treacherous schemes, and lures others into becoming his cohorts!
But it is more difficult for Butte to lure companies and others here.
For reasons that are obscure, the shining examples of the top women are not luring others to try to emulate them.
If the caught fish is part of a school, the sardines will lure others to the boat.