To lure new jobs and additional tax revenue, Mayor Giuliani last month proposed authorizing stores of up to 200,000 square feet in industrial areas.
Newer cities and suburban centers have lured jobs along with innovators.
It was designed to lure tourists and, with them, jobs to a region shaken by mine closings and a slumping steel industry.
Although Mr. Koch hopes to lure new businesses and jobs, he insisted that he was not out to make trouble in the Midwest.
Richard Florida, an influential American academic, claims that their mere presence lures investors and jobs, particularly of the high-technology kind.
"It means getting rid of the notion that industrial policy just means luring jobs, rather than creating them," he said.
Mr. Faso argued that the state needed far-reaching incentives to lure jobs back to upstate and to keep people from moving away.
To lure companies and jobs, corporate leaders here and in other American cities have invested heavily in downtown revival.
In past decades, the suburbs, which offered better schools and room for families to grow, lured people and jobs from the city.
Colorado's economy has been moribund since 1983, and political and business leaders say the state has to do a better job of luring new jobs and investment.