Is this the right time to try to lure new foreign investment?
The meeting, the first such high-level gathering in eastern Germany, was essentially to lure European investment to the region.
Mexico's ruling party maintains a cheap-labor policy to lure investment.
More importantly, analysts say, Brazil needs to put in effect a host of policies to lure foreign investment and to set the stage for long-term growth.
The Bosnian Serbs have been unable to sign any contracts with foreign companies or to lure outside investment.
The state ranks near the bottom in many categories deemed necessary to lure investment - safe environment, good education, sound economy.
But China has both licensed technology and used the potential of a huge market to lure foreign investment.
The other strong and fairly new argument for Southern lawmakers to support free trade has been the need to lure foreign investment and technology.
That means luring private investment, much of it from Indians living overseas, for industrial development.
The country is recognized as one of the most successful states in terms of luring investment.