Morin believed that improved methods of solving spherical triangles had to be found and that better lunar tables were needed.
This work also contains solar and lunar tables based on the Paris meridian.
Walcher of Malvern produces his first lunar tables.
His life's work was the study of the Moon's motion (lunar theory) and the compilation of extremely accurate lunar tables.
Dee feverishly consulted lunar tables and almanacs.
He'd worked out the lunar tables a million times.
This was followed in 1754 by some lunar tables, which he computed using a form of the discrete Fourier transform.
Mendoza's lunar tables have been used through almost the entire nineteenth century (see Lunar distance (navigation)).
He is best known for publishing lunar tables (positions of the Moon) between 1824-1828.
Those expectations were based on the lunar tables widely used up to Tycho's time.