Norbert Wiener autobiography - mentions that the lunar feature was named in his honor.
In 1905 she was appointed by the newly formed International Association of Academies to build a collated list of all of the lunar features.
Images from spacecraft have revealed it to be one of the most striking large scale lunar features, resembling a target ring bullseye.
This stereo capability permitted some photogrammetric measurements of various lunar features.
It is considered the brightest of the large formations on the lunar surface, with an albedo nearly double that of most lunar features.
It is a relatively young lunar feature, with few craters or other features overlying it.
Alexander is a lunar crater-like feature in the rugged surface to the north of Mare Serenitatis.
The name for this lunar feature was officially adopted by the IAU in 1935.
The waves will pass through all kinds of lunar features.
(It is the largest of the lunar features designated Lacus.)