Our prestige as world leaders might well dictate that we undertake lunar expeditions and, even, interplanetary flight.
Dr. Gold had his most public role in the 1960's, when he advised NASA during its Apollo lunar expeditions.
The ultimate purpose of the space station would be to provide an assembly platform for manned lunar expeditions.
So the fourth and fifth and sixth lunar expeditions hunted Butch's relatives very earnestly for further specimens for the advancement of science.
The story follows the adventures of the main character Ted Baker after he mistakenly replaces a member of the first lunar expedition at the last moment before rocket leaves for the moon.
"The Starting Line" tells of the launch of the first lunar expedition jointly by British, American and Russian rockets which have been assembled in Earth orbit.
Getting there was not the challenge of a lunar expedition.
They range from early tropical cameras, built of hardwood and brass to withstand extemes of temperature and humidity, to contemporary cameras, including a Hasselblad built for lunar expeditions.
For it was entirely clear that they had trapped the lunar expedition, that they had lured the surveying crew, that they had led the rescue party on.
Astronauts came to this vast Chihuahuan Desert moonscape to practice lunar expeditions.