Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
But a good deal of important nuance is lost in the lumping.
The lumping of those three together seems to indicate that someone isn't really getting Python.
Kuda Lumping is known under different names in different areas.
Is there also a further issue with the lumping of fantasy with other genres?
"Honey told me this morning that he'd probably let me do some lumping in another couple of weeks.
He thought he saw a lumping, shapeless figure moving to port of him, but could not be sure.
Kuda Lumping has been used as the basis for a dangdut song of the same name.
And for the lumping of top-flight artists with those who at best are mere illustrators?
The lumping of children's voices into one category is also practical as boys and girls share a similar range and timbre.
This research has been conducted in order to defeat two criticisms of the theory; its breadth and lumping of genres.
The origin of Kuda Lumping is uncertain.
Kuda Lumping is traditionally performed by a group of men drawn from the local community; this group can number from 2 to 8.
Kuda Lumping is widely popular.
Kuda Lumping may be performed in celebration of a special event, such as a boy's circumcision or rite of passage.
"Continuous lumping of nonlinear chemical kinetics" (with G. Astarita).
Sanghyang jaran is a dance performed by boys who ride coconut palm hobbyhorses (Kuda Lumping) in and around a fire.
Jatil, the youthful handsome horsemen riding horses made of weaved bamboo, similar to Kuda Lumping dance.
Generally, the dance portrays troops riding horses, but another type of Kuda Lumping performance also incorporates trances and magic tricks.
I must object, however, to Frank Conroy's lumping of all pre-be-bop-era jazz as "classical jazz or Dixie."
"The lumping of these three countries together will be of concern," said Robert Menotti, a researcher at the Italian research institute Cespi.
Kinetics and Thermodynamic Lumping of Multicomponent Mixtures.
It demonstrates again the auto industry's persistent lumping of Gen X (now thirtysomething) with Gen Y (a decade younger).
Sanghyang Jaran is Balinese name for Kuda Lumping dance that also involving performer being entranced by spirit.
However, the latter subspecies was not included in the genus wide phylogenetic reconstruction using DNA sequences, and the lumping of the species should be considered tentative.
In one piece called Kuda Lumping Putra, a generic name for a dance with bamboo horses, the dancers heads were covered with black curly wigs.