Don't miss Zurbarán's luminous lemons, van Gogh's equally luminous portrait of his aunt, or the deep stillness of the many stone Buddhas.
The exception among French 19th-century artists was Paul Gauguin, who created luminous brown portraits of the people and landscapes of French Polynesia.
Detail for detail, the luminous portrait fitted with the careful description that Harry Vincent had given The Shadow.
"Paris is where I find myself," Delaney, who painted luminous portraits of the French writer Jean Genet, said in the 1950's.
In 17 full-length plays and more than 30 one-acts, Mr. Wilson has created a luminous portrait of Americans asserting their individuality in a country that encourages conformity.
Two luminous, life-infused portraits glow from within a dim, heavy frame at the Biltmore Theater, where "LoveMusik" opened last night.
She is intent upon the picture she is painting, a luminous, finely-detailed portrait of a myoglobin molecule.
And gradually a luminous portrait takes shape of a time and of the indelibly questing figure of Jenny.
Mr. Wayne said he'd found the luminous portrait of St. Olga in one of his grandfather's travel trunks during a routine cleaning of his mansion's attics.
In her performance at the Lamb's Theater, Miss Atkins offers a virtuosic feat of acting and a luminous portrait of the artist.