There was a thick Chinese rug on the floor, all luminous blues and silvery greens woven in an intricate pattern.
The water was turning a luminous blue as the light faded from the sky, and the dark lavender of the coastline was a vivid contrast.
A luminous blue in their lamps, the fog was blinding.
The sky had grown brighter, the setting moon was becoming pale and opaque in the luminous blue of the day.
The high walls of the block of buildings loomed in silhouette; the squares of the windows were ranks of luminous blue against the dark.
Her eyes were huge and luminous blue in her pale face, and she was smiling.
Anything a luminous pale blue was safe to grab.
There was nothing in them but the dark-blue sparkling sea and the paler luminous blue of the sky.
Twilight lingered in the skies, but the luminous blue was overlaid by a vast spread hand of clouded blackness that stretched from the horizon ahead.
Josette could only stare at him with wide-open eyes that looked of a deep luminous blue in this half-light.