In the Americas, two-bys (2x4s, 2x6s, 2x8s, 2x10s, and 2x12s), along with the 4x4, are common lumber sizes used in modern construction.
Maybe you've noticed that lumber sizes are often misleading.
Pressure-treated lumber comes in standard lumber sizes and is available at lumberyards.
Lumberyards and stores that carry steel framing generally stock 25-gauge material ranging in length from 8 to 16 feet and corresponding in thickness and width to conventional wood 2 by 4's and other standard lumber sizes.
Joist hangers come in different dimensions to accommodate all standard lumber sizes, and are useful not just in floors, but in constructing ceilings, porches and outdoor decks.
It has the appearance of lumber and can be fabricated into standard lumber sizes, very much similar to lumber.