By the 1830s competing lumber interests and immigration meant that a solution was required.
This will allow both Canadian and American lumber interests to compete on equal footing.
These lands were largely areas that had been cut over and cleared by lumber interests.
The lakes were important to early transportation, though lumber interests mostly controlled use of the waterway until the system was completed in 1920.
Already the national forests are under heavy pressure from big lumber interests.
The lumber interests are howling to high heaven.
With ecology an enshrined word, the big lumber interests were helpless when government annexed "their" private rights to forest, range and watershed.
Habitat decisions are made with the best available understanding of scientific and socioeconomic factors affecting species sustainability, not with lumber interests solely in mind.
In 1836, he took charge of lumber interests in Southern Georgia for Northern capitalists.
Over the strong opposition of lumber interests, the Fish and Wildlife Service has adopted a plan to protect the bird by limiting logging.