These forces looked ludicrously small.
In this spirit, audience members would often react with mock-delight at winning ludicrously small sums in the end game ("What will you spend the money on?"
We lend each other ludicrously small amounts of money.
The fees were ludicrously small, but it would be a good idea to get away from Viola.
Above him two sparrows chased a crow, darting about it in flight, looking ludicrously small next to the great black scavenger.
The sum is ludicrously small.
The beautiful marble tables are ludicrously small.
The creature's front legs, ludicrously small in comparison to the huge thighs and the length of the leg bone, twitched.
We have a ludicrously small amount of committee time between now and Christmas to deal ...
His ludicrously small hands clenched and twitched and he smiled.