Finding prize exotics was also a lucrative pursuit among Renaissance merchants and a fashionable diversion among Victorians.
It is in the terai where large landlords (often absent and in Kathmandu on other lucrative, non-agricultural pursuits), are well established, rather than in the hills.
New York's share of such lucrative pursuits as foreign exchange, bond trading and pension investment, for example, rose through the economic ups and downs of the past decade.
"I can't run around anymore," he said, adding that his days as a "marathon man" in no-holds-barred and often lucrative pursuits of elusive subjects ended three or four years ago.
After debuting with a robbery of a theatre, he pursued the more lucrative pursuit of stealing from diamond merchants.
Playwriting might be a more lucrative pursuit than criticism, he muses adorably.
The one in the tuxedo was Mallet Haverly, ex-gangster, who had taken up more lucrative pursuits than ordinary thuggery.
Will they continue to refine their art or decamp for more lucrative pursuits?
But most men, when they grow older and turn to other more-cerebral or lucrative pursuits, lose touch with these urges.
He specialized in making portraits and merry companies and could have become a great painter, but he left painting for more lucrative pursuits.