Opinion differed as to whether the VT50 was to be a dry run for the engineers or a lucrative product.
The patents on the most lucrative products are running out, and the market is flooded with cheaper copies.
Most California crude oil in the early years was turned into the less lucrative products of fuel oil and asphalt.
They only want to know that people will show up tomorrow and continue producing lucrative products.
Potentially lucrative new products are just starting to flow to market.
You were the sworn enemy of hot air and commercials, however righteous the cause or lucrative the product.
That discovery has led to a whole range of lucrative products.
Once the nation's largest maker of piston rings for car engines, the company has a potentially lucrative new environmental product.
But for the state's major supermarket chains, it is an excessively lucrative product.
The quest was for a new, and therefore newly lucrative, product to sell.