Suppliers view Toyota, which produced 350,000 cars in the United States last year, as a lucrative customer for parts.
With industry profits off 12 percent last year, to $14.2 billion, they cannot afford to alienate their most lucrative customers.
Such large foreign carriers will naturally want a foothold and an ally in the United States, if only to court lucrative corporate customers.
His most lucrative customers were the owners of small factories, mills and businesses.
These days, credit card marketers employ the most advanced computer technology to track spending patterns, reduce loan delinquencies and search for potentially lucrative customers.
And with narrower profit margins, AT&T will have a tougher time tailoring its service to meet the needs of bigger, more lucrative and more demanding customers.
Business had been slow for Lecard; even his most lucrative customers from the international terrorist community had slacked off.
They lost the right to pick up street hails, but they retained lucrative corporate customers.
"Banks offer interest-free borrowing because they hope you are going to be a lucrative customer and stick with them for 60 years," points out Lewis.
The utility, however, loses a lucrative customers.