In order to fulfill a course requirement, he ended up in an acting class, which proved to be a lucky fluke.
However, additional successes there have not followed, and it has been suggested that the prediction was only a lucky fluke.
This was an enemy; it intended murder, and had been stopped by a lucky fluke.
The smoke seemed too thin as the sails bellied out, butRamagerealized it was a lucky fluke of wind.
I immediately considered myself God's gift to suspension design, on the basis of this one lucky fluke.
A few men, by a lucky fluke, managed to escape, and some women ran away.
Through a lucky fluke, Chaumel and Asedow were almost immediately behind them.
By a lucky fluke six months before, I had been snooping about a brawl some high Apparatus officers were having.
It was pure chance, a lucky fluke, but that didn't diminish her joy.
Despite that lucky fluke, the sniper plot in "Phone Booth" seems glaringly fake compared to the news and even to dramatic series.