Units and personnel under SAS control are alleged to have been involved in loyalist attacks.
Protestants at the rally said they were disgusted by the shooting and by other loyalist attacks on Catholics.
The men, aged 21 and 25, were each injured in both legs in what appears to have been another loyalist paramilitary attack.
However, it is generally believed that loyalists were responsible for the attack, which fits the pattern of loyalist attacks in the county.
The loyalist attack left 110 people dead, including both civilians and rebels, according to residents.
It was initially used as a staging point for loyalist attacks on rebel-held Misrata.
Hence, the republicans argue that they were simply defending the church and Short Strand from loyalist attack.
After the loyalist attack, the rebels attempted a counter-attack and they also advanced to the west, south and east.
The meeting was told that £50,000 would be made available to buy weapons for defense of nationalist areas against loyalist attack.
Believing it to be another loyalist attack, dozens of mourners attacked the soldiers' car.