A loyal chief, Don Juan, rallied the mission Indians and killed many of the attackers.
In retaliation, the local chief, loyal to Inkatha, led a raiding party that burned down at least 30 houses of relatives or friends of the assailants.
Does the lawyerly Mrs. Clinton seriously assert she enjoys a privilege in law denied to Margaret Williams, her loyal chief of staff?
Karaga Naa Bukari was so cooperative with the British administration that he was described as one of the most loyal chiefs in Dagbon.
In 1868, the chiefs and orators loyal to Laupepa instituted a government based on the Western notion of parliamentary monarchy.
The proclamation was drafted with the consent of 28 tribal chiefs loyal to Mr. Sadr, so its edicts carry some of the trappings of traditional tribal law.
In 1952, after a massacre of loyal chiefs, the government arrested Jomo Kenyatta, president of the Kenya African Union.
Mr. Buthelezi needs the monarch's legitimacy, the king and loyal chiefs rely on Mr. Buthelezi's homeland government for their budgets.
There is the loyal chief of staff, Kelly MacMillan, finishing her boss's sentences, juggling subpoenas, sometimes muttering "Richard" in the way of the long-suffering.
For a fee, the shrewd mayor and her loyal chief of police offer sanctuary to a judge who has just done time on a cooked-up bribery charge.