Eating at the sleek modern Villa Parma in a strip shopping center is a bit like buying the lowest-priced model manufactured by a luxury-car maker.
These and other prices given here are for the lowest-priced models.
At $33,000, the GTO is the lowest-priced 2004 model penalized for fuel consumption.
It is the lowest-priced model of the Hot Rod series and has a 10" Eminence Speaker.
The prices are more than $1,000 less than Chrysler's lowest-priced 1990 Shadow and Sundance models.
Even the lowest-priced model, the S, has a full complement of features, including a CD player, electric windows and keyless entry.
According to Ms. Jacobs, even the lowest-priced models must do more than simply match the competition in order to sell.
The cost of the lowest-priced new model, the F430, hovers at about $180,000, and vintage models can fetch prices in the millions.
The lowest-priced model offering the one-bit decoding method, it produces very fine sound.
Auto executives say they expect anti-lock brakes to be available on all but their smallest, lowest-priced models by the mid-1990's.