White students assume that their minority classmates have been admitted because of lowered standards.
Even by the Knicks' lowered standards, they are now officially underachieving in a big way.
But it's not enough to help the economy work off the damage that periods of recession and unemployment cause, like lowered standards of living and lost savings.
Mrs. Lipman said that the lowered standards in folk art today are the result of at least two developments.
Part of the allure of lowered standards is the success of the syndicated magazine shows.
Not only must they bear public humiliation, but they also may face a lowered standard of living caused by their husbands' forced retirements at reduced rank.
Doing well, that is, according to today's lowered standards: "We are the proud parents of an honors student at the Franklin School.
Even with lowered standards, the Army can't meet its recruitment goals.
Yet Graham kept the bank in business nearly two decades, with slightly lowered standards for donors.