However, in the 1970's and 80's things moved in a different direction for lower-wage workers.
In West Virginia, a retailer reported having to pay lower-wage workers more because competition for their services was so tight.
But as the recession has become more broad based, particularly after Sept. 11, most of the newly unemployed have been lower-wage workers.
Absorbing lower-wage workers in host nations means that domestic wages are at least somewhat undermined.
These are mainly lower-wage workers and their families, not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid.
And when they do, lower-wage workers feel a bigger pinch.
Job insecurity figures on the list, as well as competition from lower-wage workers abroad.
Robots or lower-wage workers in Mexico, where Ford has a similar plant, could take his job some day.
If a business hired lower-wage workers for the same work, it would lower its costs and enjoy a competitive advantage.
Professor Smetters says private accounts are a good idea because they will provide lower-wage workers with their first exposure to the stock market.