Marc Jacobs, for example, is offering a few lower-priced products to Asian licensees.
The store also offers a line of generic, lower-priced products.
AS the souring economy spurs shoppers to buy lower-priced products, some marketers of full-price packaged goods are fighting back.
The counterattack against lower-priced products is similar to what occurred during the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Gross margin was 66.8 percent, compared with 68.8 percent a year earlier, due in part to higher sales of lower-priced products such as home networking gear.
The Model 4 was a lower-priced product with a 5.6 s cycle time.
Investors also expressed concern that P. & G.'s rapidly growing foreign businesses, which generally sell lower-priced products, could hurt future profit margins.
Mr. Eighhorn has also pushed the company heavily into lower-priced products.
We did not, and in fact, as a result of the agreement, consumers got Andrx's lower-priced generic product faster than they would have otherwise.