The new machines displaced single-jack and double-jack miners, forcing the men into new, lower-paid jobs as trammers or muckers.
While the money was enormous, most grizzly men elected not to return and took a lower-paid job as a pipe fitter, timber man or ganger.
Those in lower-paid jobs saw the lowest wage increases between 2010 and 2011.
Many people take a part-time or lower-paid job because it suits their circumstances and is a good choice for them.
In Iowa, they have dangerous, lower-paid jobs in packing plants as well as seasonal field work.
So they often encourage workers to take less training, and, as a result, less skilled, lower-paid jobs.
Or would some of those employees be out on the street, forced to accept lower-paid jobs with far fewer benefits?
However, although these initiatives are welcome, they tend to be confined to 'non-standard' forms of employment and lower-paid jobs in the service sector.
A higher proportion of blacks were unemployed; and of those who had work, the great majority were in unskilled and lower-paid jobs.