As a high school student working a lower-level position at the station, JoJo learned that the overnight host had been arrested for writing bad checks.
In addition, there is thought to be a shortage of housing that people taking lower-level positions can afford.
Just as you'll want to get to know important people in the organization, it also helps to make friends in lower-level positions.
Was it perceived as a positive or negative that the man was in the lower-level position?
Even though I have held certain lower-level authoritative positions, they have always been of an execution nature.
In Philadelphia, while some blacks hold lower-level positions, the top officers in each local are white.
The bulk of that resulted from eliminating a dozen top management jobs and scores of lower-level positions.
As the financial-services industry expanded, for example, it was eliminating many lower-level positions.
"The lower-level positions get filled pretty quickly," he said.
Most of those women hold lower-level positions.