The district includes areas of substantial wealth as well as middle- and lower-income neighborhoods.
Many of them were often from lower-income neighborhoods where they had few, if any, opportunities to swim, much less learn how.
Frequently located in lower-income neighborhoods, they are often staffed by volunteer organizations, such as church or community groups.
About $350 million was given to a charity dedicated to equipping schools in lower-income neighborhoods with computers.
Such interactions, and the social control that comes along with it, also increase security, a concern in many European lower-income neighborhoods.
It is easier for this to happen than for individuals of lower-income neighborhoods just working by themselves.
On Sunday morning spirited services are held in in the lower-income neighborhoods just west of the train station.
As expected, lower-income housing and lower-income neighborhoods have been the leading participants.
To date, he has worked with more than 1,000 disadvantaged children, ages 9-16, from lower-income neighborhoods.
Participation in lower-income neighborhoods is essential for targets to be met.