Most single-family homes for sale in Mott Haven - those built in the 1990's - give preference to local and lower-income buyers.
But in a county that has had a lack of affordable housing, co-ops may provide lower-income buyers with "a wonderful opportunity," he said.
The concept was created in 1982 when the nonprofit Interfaith Council of Englishtown proposed a housing project for lower-income buyers.
The report offers few concrete solutions, other than to urge the private mortgage industry to make more loans available to lower-income buyers.
Higher-density zoning is what in principle allows builders to subsidize these lower-income buyers with newly built housing at no direct cost to the towns.
Profits from market-rate sales would subsidize the rents for lower-income buyers.
Many of its shops focused on lower-income buyers.
Those four points meant 8 million new homeowners, including 2.5 million lower-income buyers and 1.2 million each for blacks and Hispanics.
Some were large, high style buildings, the homes of wealthy city residents; others were smaller, more vernacular interpretations built in groups for lower-income buyers.
"Particularly in the United States, it looks like the industry didn't bring a lot of first-time, lower-income buyers into the market."