Will her plan lead to lower premiums?
But the legal community was also here today; some lawyers showed up to argue that limits on lawsuits would only hurt patients, and would not lower premiums.
"There is a certain amount of smoke and mirrors" in Ms. Harney's calculations of how her changes will lower premiums, he said.
Buying a policy earlier can lower premiums.
For nearly a decade, the property and casualty companies have been lowering premiums in a battle for market share, and this has hurt brokers' commissions.
This law can be dramatically improved by replacing job-killing provisions with common sense reforms focused on lowering premiums and protecting American jobs.
Encouraging the use of helmets will save lives and reduce serious injuries, which will lower premiums paid by ski area operators.
Those opting for a £500 excess or accepting a restricted hospital network can lower premiums to £47.80 a month.
Doing so, he said, can lower premiums to those of an ordinary house.
This new market will pool workers together with other people in the exchange, spreading the risk for insurers and lowering premiums for small businesses.