They said Brazil needs to lower inflation, increase savings and cool the burst of domestic spending.
Ukraine obliged by freeing prices, bringing down its deficit and lowering inflation.
The immediate impact has been lowered inflation and the sharpest recession in a decade.
Her team achieved the high unemployment & high interest rates; it was actually lowering inflation that was beyond them.
But once tomorrow comes lowering inflation may have negative effects, such as increasing unemployment, so they do not make much effort to lower it.
If consumer spending slows enough, it would lower inflation and give the Federal Reserve some breathing room.
If the economy grows rapidly because of an increase in supply - say because workers have suddenly become more productive - that lowers inflation.
He emphasized that an expected round of pay settlements in private industry would be crucial to lowering inflation and preventing more unemployment.
In this situation, it is hardly likely that strict artificial conditions, which would only disrupt economic processes, are vital to lowering inflation.
It lowers inflation as wages are lower and consumer confidence falls.