Lowering blood sugar after a meal in people with type 2 diabetes.
If you needed to increase the voltage to make the system stable, try to lower it after a few days.
Although violence and disease significantly lowered the population of the valley after the Conquest, by 1900 it was again over one million people.
The economy remains so weak, however, that many still expect the Fed to lower interest rates after the election.
He lowered the weapon after a second and rubbed his eyes.
She made the team and lowered the American 800 record to 2 minutes 13 seconds after a night of vodka drinking.
It might also lower the risk of blood clots after plane flights.
"I would be foolish to lower my shields after your display."
Taking inulin seems to lower triglycerides by up to 19% after eight weeks of treatment.
These medicines can also be used to lower the pressure in the eyes before or after glaucoma surgery.