This was a direct current (DC) low-voltage system that supplied power through a third rail.
Initially the MTV-82 did not have a low-voltage system, but this was added later for external braking and turn light signalization.
However, a low-voltage system such as 600 volts had/have a problem of a dropping voltage levels over a long distance due to the electrical resistance of the copper trolley wire, which was a relatively small.
IEC 60664-4:2007 "Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 4: Consideration of high-frequency voltage stress"
They were unique because they used alternating current during a time when many trains were using direct current, which was a low-voltage system that had many limitations.
Use of magnetos for ignition is limited mainly to engines where there is no low-voltage electrical system available, such as lawnmowers and chainsaws.
There were neither engines, fuel tanks, nor drivers, only low-voltage electrical systems and an attendant who operated the hydraulic doors.
A low-voltage system consists of a transformer, light fixtures, bulbs and electrical cable.
It's a low-voltage system with a main transformer in between.
In fact, to simplify installation, some manufacturers of low-voltage systems suggest connecting them with the power on.