Throughout history builders have used sophisticated if low-tech methods to control heat, ventilation, light and other factors affecting human comfort.
Some of these low-tech methods can work for you as well.
But there is a low-tech method to mass-produce smallpox vaccine in calves that had been used for decades.
This form of mining uses labour-intensive and low-tech methods.
But individuals linked to terrorist groups appear to be relying on more low-tech methods to avoid detection.
It's an end to the time-consuming low-tech method of allocation-by-voice on the radio.
He used a similar low-tech method for the waterfall scene, placing the stars on a 50-foot table covered in black plastic.
I think I'll go back to the low-tech method of collecting.
Bed nets are a low-tech method of protection from mosquitoes, but very few families have them.
Ramachandran is known for his low-tech method, which often involves little more than interviews with patients and a few hands-on tests.