Building and strengthening the link between low-skill workers and available job opportunities has become a one of the largest issues for place-based approaches.
Partly it's the ripple effect of the rise in the minimum wage, but mainly it's just a strong economy creating demand for low-skill workers.
Our economy has even less need for impoverished, low-skill workers.
Improved work visa options for low-skill workers including an agricultural worker program.
In fact, demand for servants helps low-skill workers who might otherwise go jobless.
Why many Chinese graduates are unable to capitalize on their education, while wages for low-skill workers rise.
And he is urging factories with low-skill workers to move south.
This shift would not benefit low-skill workers as much.
High school dropouts, broken homes and low-skill workers are caused by poverty, and are the cause of more poverty in turn.
Third, the emergence of millions of low-skill workers in China and India.