The money collected under any tax plan would be divided among the low-revenue teams.
In developing the tax percentage, the union worked backward from the amount of money it felt the clubs want to provide to the low-revenue teams.
Under the union proposal, 75 percent of the tax money would be distributed to low-revenue teams.
It's never been about fixing what is wrong in the market when it comes to having to run a low-revenue team.
What's a low-revenue team like the Tigers doing with a prospective $15 million-a-year player?
Those are the things that low-revenue teams fear will erode their ability to compete.
That system, the union projects, would produce about $40 million to be shared by the low-revenue teams.
Even if they do return, there are the normal financial constraints on a low-revenue team.
There has been a growing imbalance between high-revenue and low-revenue teams for many years.
The union's proposal may reflect what appears to be the league's reduction in the amount of money it wants to create for low-revenue teams.