It specializes in low-priced products, which have become more popular among Japan's recession-weary consumers.
However, Xiaomi pinned their success on the combination of short supply and high-quality, low-priced products.
At its plant there it produces a relatively low-priced product that meets the guideline's specifications and costs $350 to $450, including installation.
The first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions.
Since they needed a low-priced product quickly, the division's managers were inclined at first to seek an overseas supplier.
The effect of today's decision on consumers will depend on whether foreign companies begin selling more low-priced products here.
There is no reason to have low confidence in low-priced products.
There are still low-priced products for families just starting out.
United States officials are sensitive about measures that protect American industries against a surfeit of low-priced foreign products.
Apple's market share in the personal computer business is only about 10 percent, and the company's growth has suffered for want of competitive low-priced products.