Early transistors were chemically unstable and only suitable for low-power, low-frequency applications, but as transistor design developed, these problems were slowly overcome.
Soljačić believes that low-power commercial application of this technology, such as charging of mobile phones, is several years away.
However, composite plastic material is widely used on low-power applications such as gear motors for electromechanical actuators.
Flexible substrates can be used for low-power applications.
In such transform technique, it could be applied to generate world-parallel architectures that can be used for high-speed or low-power applications.
It was supplied for low-speed, low-power applications around the first half of the nineteenth century.
For low-power applications (less than about 1 watt) a three-terminal potentiometer is often used, with one terminal unconnected or connected to the wiper.
It also includes discussions of such often-neglected areas as high-frequency, high-speed design techniques and low-power applications.
Friction drive has been most successfully used in low-power applications, such as driving phonograph turntables.
Inductive coupling is widely used in low-power applications, such as re-chargeable electric toothbrushes.