It automatically works to improve output in low-light situations, as well.
When driving at dawn, dusk, or in any low-light situation, neither backlight setup works.
Light sensitivity makes an enormous difference when shooting in low-light situations.
The feeble but battery-eating backlight can help in some low-light situations.
This, we hope will help travellers improve reading in low-light situations and makes our new maps easier to use.
This makes the screen a bit difficult to read in low-light situations, and characters lose their sharpness when viewed from an angle.
That's why photographers mostly use wider lenses in low-light situations - they gather more light and help create sharper images.
Instead, there is a relatively bright white LED that can light up in low-light situations.
Both come with accessories including a laser sight and optional mounted digital video camera that can record in low-light situations.
In low-light situations, Sony FX1 will still produce better results.