Mr. Gaffney said the county could also help a buyer arrange financing through the Industrial Development Agency, which issues low-interest tax-free bonds.
Mr. Heithaus, who resigned, was the chairman of the public-private agency, which sells low-interest bonds and offers tax abatements to businesses.
The government financed such public works by selling low-interest bonds and raising gasoline taxes from six to eight cents a gallon.
The transitional housing, which is financed by low-interest bonds and built at minimal cost, makes use of modular construction and simple designs.
Its low-interest bonds are secured by outside financial institutions, and city officials say that the terms are longer and cheaper than commercial bonds.
Under a widely used state development program, cities were luring companies into blighted areas with low-interest bonds.
He then had the state issue tax-exempt low-interest bonds to pay for construction.
It also advocates converting some of the $280 billion that debtor countries owe to private banks into low-interest bonds.
The state is kicking in $20 million in low-interest bonds to be used to buy land, negotiations already nearing completion.
The subsidies, $50,000 to $100,000 per unit, are raised from low-interest taxable bonds the authority sells.