Second, the beneficial effects of marriage on low-income single mothers may be significantly smaller than for American women on the whole.
In 1997, 28 percent of New York's low-income working mothers with children under age 5 worked after 6 p.m.
The Foundation's purpose is to help ensure low-income single mothers receive support, guidance, and assistance to enhance their quality of life.
He developed programs for low-income mothers as part of the Johnson administration's war on poverty.
One of the first grants was for a training program to enable young low-income mothers to become licensed day-care workers.
But many low-income single mothers would rather forgo financial aid than sue the fathers of their children.
A low-income mother with many children, for example, switches households with a high-powered career woman.
The Government has picked up the health-care costs of some by expanding Medicaid to cover more low-income mothers and their children.
Surely, you are going to devote another entire issue to blue-collar and low-income mothers, transitioning from welfare to work.
The average participant in the program is a low-income Hispanic mother in her mid-twenties, with 2 - 3 children.