These species are low-growing, evergreen shrubs that form dense and prostrate.
If woody plants are present they tend to be low-growing shrubs.
It is a low-growing shrub up to 1.5 m tall.
It typically grows in open fields, rocky soils, and among low-growing native shrubs.
Unlike many Alpine gardens it is generous with low-growing shrubs, which do cover much of the mountains.
It is a small, low-growing, nondescript shrub and thus easily confused with other species.
Her tread light and quick, she hastened to a cluster of low-growing shrubs.
It could have been, he knew, a bird hopping from one branch to another in a low-growing shrub, or, perhaps, an animal.
They are low-growing, evergreen shrubs and subshrubs, producing 5-lobed blue or white flowers.
Now the man carefully retreated into the cover of low-growing shrubs.