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The same year, the company received its first low-floor buses.
The service operates more than 300 regular and low-floor buses.
A recent all low-floor bus network is the Metrobus system.
The next year the first low-floor buses entered service.
Seating layout for a low-floor bus therefore requires careful design.
This was further improvised two years later when low-floor buses were added to the fleet.
To assist the elderly and disabled, many routes have low-floor buses.
The non low-floor buses are gradually being withdrawn from service.
Metro was reluctant to adopt low-floor buses, not buying any until 2003.
Moreover, a number of low-floor buses complete the Kassel public transport system.
London was one of the earliest major users of low-floor buses.
The remaining lines are operated exclusively by low-floor buses.
Right now its fleet consists of 60 Volvo low-floor buses and plans to add more in the near future.
In 2009 two new low-floor buses were bought, with extra seating capacity to meet customer demand.
Low-floor buses on branded routes have become a big part of Stagecoach's business plans.
Wrightbus is an independent coachbuilder and pioneer of the low-floor bus.
The current fleet is composed of 232 buses, all low-floor buses.
To achieve this requires a boarding aid, a lift or a ramp, because a low-floor bus on its own is not enough.
Eight of the low-floor buses are hybrid electric.
The first major change with the rebranding was the acquisition of 24 new 2010 Gillig low-floor buses.
In mid-2009, the remainder of the older double decker fleet will be replaced by low-floor buses.
She said she could not get on to that particular bus but there would be a low-floor bus along in a little while.
Most of the low-floor buses for Transantiago were built by Volvo.
All other local bus services are now operated by modern low-floor buses, which may be single-deck or double-deck.
The N4016 is remembered for being the first low-floor bus sold in the United Kingdom.