Small tumors can be surgically excised, removed with electric current, frozen with liquid nitrogen, or killed with low-dose radiation.
Sometimes treatment combines brachytherapy with low-dose external radiation.
From the 1940s to 1960s, external, low-dose radiation to the head and neck during infancy and childhood was used to treat many benign diseases.
More than 90 percent of victims are cured when they get chemotherapy and low-dose radiation.
Instead, he and his colleagues are testing low-dose radiation to destroy the blood vessels but spare the normal retinal cells.
Their results have been used in support of the radiation hormesis hypothesis, wherein low-dose radiation may actually be beneficial for health.
A mammogram is an X-ray test with exposure to low-dose radiation and is not done for routine screening during pregnancy.
There is no link, however, to low-dose radiation delivered through diagnostic X-rays or workplace exposure to ionizing radiation.
Recent research found a daily dose of the tea reduced oxidative stress status in radiology staff that were exposed to persistent low-dose radiation during work.
Experimental and epidemiologic evidence has linked exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation with up to 2% of solid cancers and leukemia.