There were three main construction periods, each taking place about 20 years apart as the need for low-cost hydroelectric power was paramount in the region.
Public utility districts were created to provide reliable, low-cost power for the growing state.
And the authority penalized just 9 of the 32 employers that it found should have lost the low-cost power from the program, which began in 1997.
We continue to expect utilities to serve their customers with low-cost power while earning a fair rate of return.
The Giuliani administration has granted 24 corporations a total of $506.8 million in tax breaks, job training and low-cost power since January 1994.
It provides low-cost electric power to about one-fourth of the homes and businesses in Maine.
Instead, there is now a surplus of low-cost power.
Analysts said the utilities, which offer low-cost power and have reduced staff, would cut more jobs and become even stronger as a single company.
Together, they can generate 1,800 megawatts of low-cost power, enough to supply a medium-sized city.
It has developed a new type of solid-state fuel cell that may one day provide low-cost power in remote areas.