The second was the low-cost method - investing the entire $600 in the poorest-performing category, as some investors do to get more shares.
The "hot hands" brought the 15-year total to $489,023, compared with $345,838 for the buy-and-hold approach and $320,335 for the low-cost method.
Participants also discussed other low-cost methods for reducing maternal deaths.
What is needed for all application techniques is an accurate, low-cost method of setting and maintaining the spread rate.
It is also hoped that competition will breed innovation, introducing new low-cost methods of reaching Earth orbit.
These systems allow for a relatively low-cost method to generate sequence data, and have been employed by many researchers in the oncogenomics field.
Phrases such as'use low-cost methods wherever possible' pepper terms of reference for designs.
They are therefore a low-cost and flexible method of running small-scale public surveys.
Participants in this competition were asked to create a simple and relatively low-cost method to mark an important place that went beyond the traditional bronze plaque.
Public long distance coach networks are also often used as a low-cost method of travel by students or young people travelling the world.