With Gassée out, a rush started to quickly introduce a series of low-cost machines.
There are other categories of single-seater racing, including kart racing, which employs a small, low-cost machine on small tracks.
At the same time it will create a new entry point for its server line with a family of low-cost 80486-based machines designed for file server applications.
Many people in the computer industry have called for a new class of low-cost machines designed principally to retrieve information over the Internet.
And like other companies producing network computers, it will not make a lot of money on the low-cost machines.
Compaq and Hewlett-Packard have emphasized selling low-cost machines to the mass market.
But he said that the low-cost machine was designed with the assumption that its owners would, for the most part, use it only to create basic labels.
Unlike Compaq, which focuses on low-cost machines, Dell appeals to the computer hot rodders who want the biggest, fastest and most advanced computers.
Hewlett-Packard is devising low-cost machines to print photo-quality images from digitized snapshots.
The iMac G3 was obsolete by this point, but low-cost machines were particularly important for the education market.