The companies value India for its widespread use of English and low-cost labor.
Since the early 1980's, when China began moving to a market economy, much of its competitive advantage was built on low-cost labor.
That business model, which is being widely imitated, depends on low-cost labor.
But where others saw problems, she saw charm and low-cost labor.
Moreover, he said, the United States needs "to have low-cost labor" in nearby countries.
White laborers felt their jobs were being compromised by low-cost labor.
It gets back to world-class quality and product technology and low-cost labor.
They develop in areas where there is a need for pools of low-cost labor.
Its main lines of business today are in prostitution, gambling and supplying low-cost labor to the construction industry.
I try to explain that our business model does not include looking for new sites for low-cost labor.