The company also has an unparalleled ability to get "low-cost capital" since its bonds are rated just below Treasury issues.
The company can use this low-cost capital to make acquisitions or, if circumstances permit, new developments.
Such an investment corporation would counteract a key advantage the Japanese have in their access to low-cost capital.
The fund provides "low-cost capital, solutions and know-how to help journalists in challenging environments build sustainable businesses around professional, responsible, quality journalism."
But as long as they have access to low-cost public capital, the REIT's are capable of fast growth through acquisition.
We also put our money on the line: we lend low-cost capital to neighborhood development projects as a leverage for additional financing.
Japanese companies no longer have access to low-cost capital and have less of an ability to sustain losses in the drive for market share.
"Is it wise to have another company pay for it when LIPA has access to low-cost capital?"
They should be part of an overhauled tax system that promotes long-term low-cost capital for sectors needing growth, particularly manufacturing.
The law provides smaller community banks with low-cost capital (as low as 1%) if they go above and beyond 2009 small business lending levels.